Santa Muerte Ministries is a collective of Santa Muerte devotees dedicated to serving others in the name of Santa Muerte.
This is not a church, coven, or classroom. There is no preaching or teaching here. Our sole purpose is to record and make official the will of the Santa Muerte community. When 3 devotees of Santa Muerte (symbolic of the "folk" in this "folk" tradition of ours) agree that a fellow devotee deserves to be elevated to the status of Minister, and if the nominee accepts the title and agrees to uphold the Santa Muerte Ministries Code of Ethics, then Santa Muerte Ministries will issue that person a ministerial Certificate of Recognition. This is the only purpose of Santa Muerte Ministries. If you are interested in learning how to become a Minister of Santa Muerte Ministries, use the Contact form on this website to express your interest and receive further instructions.
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